Warwick Center-
The Mulder Chapel
62 Warwick Center Road
Warwick, NY


Thursday, September 15, 2011


Just wanted to give some background info: Vaughn's mom...Susan Connolly Ziegler was a 1993 graduate of Warwick Valley High School & was a long time resident of Warwick, NY. She grew up in a tight nit neighborhood in Bellvale where her parents still live. One of her brothers, Jamie, with his family, also still lives in Warwick.

Sometimes personally knowing who a benefit is being held for makes all the difference in the world.
Did you happen to go to school with Sue? I did. And we've been friends since we both started at Kings Elementary School some 30 years ago. Sue is kind hearted, artistic (she used to always draw girls on horses when we were little), super smart, loving & just fun. My heart goes out to her & her family and I really hope this benefit for Vaughn, her little pride & joy, helps take some of the burden off her shoulders.

Please pass the word along about this wonderful event. And mention Sue's name...I'm sure you will find a lot of people say "ohhh yeah..I remember her!"...or "yeah, I know Sue's brother"...

Thanks for all the support.


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